be sick at中文什么意思

发音:   用"be sick at"造句
  • sick:    vt. 追击;攻击;(纵狗)追击;〔 ...
  • be sick:    恶心, 呕吐
  • be sick for:    渴望, 想望
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  1. I am sick at heart with all this trash. i will bear no more .
  2. But i am sick at heart , not only for old times , but for the present
  3. He always contrives to be sick at the least cross ! i gave a few sentences of commendation to heathcliff , and he , either for a headache or a pang of envy , began to cry : so i got up and left him
    他有一点别扭就总是想法生病,我说了几句称赞希刺克厉夫的话,他,不是因为头痛,就是因为在嫉妒心重,开始哭起来,所以我就起身离开他了。 ”
  4. The united nations agency estimated that 1 . 4 million people worldwide are sick at any given moment with infections they catch in hospitals , mainly spread when doctors and nurses do not clean their hands every time they tend to a new patient


  1. be shy in the presence of strangers 什么意思
  2. be shy of 什么意思
  3. be shy of persons [people] 什么意思
  4. be sick 什么意思
  5. be sick and tired of 什么意思
  6. be sick at heart 什么意思
  7. be sick for 什么意思
  8. be sick in bed 什么意思
  9. be sick of 什么意思
  10. be sick of doing nothing 什么意思



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